This site has been designed for energy efficiency

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Talks, podcasts and workshops

Sharing knowledge is something I am very passionate about doing myself and very greatful to others for doing, since without them I would not know the fraction of things I know today.

I mostly talk about web performance and sustainable web design and development and teach basics of web development.

If you are interested in any of the topics and would like me to speak at your event or be a guest on your podcast feel free to get in touch.

On about page you can find my speakers biography and my headshot.

Next up ...


Codemotion Madrid

21 May 2024 in Madrid, Spain

"What you need to know about Core Web Vitals"

DevFest Munich 2023

02 Dec 2023 in Munich, Germany

"Core Web Vitals: A Road to Better Web Performance and User Experience"

WAD WebDev Day

29 Nov 2023 in Online

"What you need to know about Core Web Vitals"

Green IO

10 Oct 2023

"W3C Sustainability Guidelines"

Infobip Shift 2023

18 Sep 2023 in Zadar, Croatia

"Reducing the carbon footprint of your website"

Women in UX Meetup

27 Sep 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany

"Why do we need to talk about acessibility and web performance"